Country Jazz Soloing

Live Masterclass and Q&A over Zoom Meeting
Saturday, Jan 27th at 4pm ET
The masterclass can be rewatched as many times as you want. All the materials including the video can also be downloaded
One of my favorite styles of music to play. Country Jazz is a mix of western swing, jazz, bebop, fiddle tunes and blues. It's light hearted, fun, humorous and a blast to play. We're going to explore some country jazz techniques and concepts over rhythm changes in Bb. I'll be sharing some of my favorite approaches used by legendary guitarists like Jimmy Bryant, Speedy West, Jimmie Rivers and Hank Garland. This is gonna be a fun one. Don't miss out. See ya Saturday!

What’s covered in the Masterclass:

  • Rhythm changes chord in Bb
  • Major and mixolydian scales
  • Triad and triad inversions
  • Using substitutions
  • Diminished arpeggios
  • Classic licks inspired by Jimmy Bryant, Jimmie Rivers and Speedy West
  • Using Tritone substitutions
  • Harmonizing the blues scale with major 6th chords

Materials included:

PDFs & Backing Track

When: Saturday, Jan 27th 4pm EST

Can't make that time? The replay will be available to everyone who registers.

This virtual masterclass will be hosted on Zoom, so anyone with an internet connection can join.

✅ Live Lesson Via Zoom

✅ Includes PDFs and Backing Track

✅ Live Q&A

✅ Special Offers to Anyone Who Comes To The Live Stream

✅ Once You're Enrolled You Can Watch Whenever It's Convenient

Country Jazz Solo