Country Double Stops
The term double stops is borrowed from fiddle players to describe playing two notes at once. The sound of a double stop slapping on the frets after being chicken picked or bending two notes at the same time has become synonymous with the sound of country guitar
In the masterclass, I'll give you some easy to use double stop licks that can be embellished and used over any major chord along with learning a solo filled with double stop concepts and techniques.
Recommended Skill Level: Intermediate
What's covered in the masterclass:
- Hybrid Picking Technique
- CAGED Shapes
- Three Movable Double Stop Licks
- Using Embellishments To Grow Your Lick Vocabulary
- Bending Double Stops
- Solo Etude Incorporating All Techniques and more..
Materials Included:
- PDFs of the techniques covered and the solo etude
- Backing Tracks
When: Saturday, July 23rd 4pm EST
Can't make that time? The replay will be available to everyone who registers.
Where: This virtual masterclass will be hosted on Zoom, so anyone with an internet connection can join.
Double Stop Solo Etude
We'll be learning and breaking this solo down